Kendall International Preschool and Nursery
Online Admission Application

Thank you for your interest and application to Kendall’s Preschool/Nursery Programs. We look forward to personally welcoming you and your child to our Kendall community. Please fill out the information. 感謝您申請漢迪國際的幼兒/幼稚園課程,我們熱切期待與您和您的孩子見面。 請填寫有關資料。

Nursery/Preschool Programs Information 學前班/幼兒班課程資料

West Kowloon Nursery/Preschool Programs 西九龍學前班/幼兒班課程

● Morning Session 上午班
AM上午 9:00 – 12:00
Tuition 學費: $6,450 / month月 (11 installments 期)*
● Afternoon Session 下午班
PM下午 1:15 – 4:15
Tuition 學費: $6,050 / month月 (11 installments 期)*

Island East Nursery/Preschool Programs 港島東學前班/幼兒班課程

● PN Session 學前班
Tuition 學費: $4,900 / month月 (11 installments 期)*
● K1-K3 Session 幼兒班
Tuition 學費: $6,800 / month月 (11 installments 期)*
Half Day 半日, 5 days per week 每週5天
Unaccompanied 無需伴隨幼兒上課
English and Mandarin 英文及普通話

* $600/month material fee will be charged at the start of each school terms, i.e. 5 months and 6 months in Term 1 & Term 2 respectively. 每個學期初將會收取每月$600材料及活動費 (首個學期收取5個月,及第二個學期收取6個月)

Nursery/Preschool Admission Information 學前班/幼兒班課程入學資料 (PN & K1-K3)

1)Complete the online admission application form 填寫網上入學申請表;
2)Online submission of admission documents 網上提交入學所需文件;
3)Invitation for interviews by email or phone call 以電郵或電話邀約面試;
4)Confirmation of offer and enrolment by email 以電郵通知報讀取錄確認及註冊信;
5)Enrolment Registration 註冊登記 -- A registration fee of $970 is required to secure a confirmed enrolment 繳付註冊費$970保留學位。

Admission Documents Checklist 入學文件清單

1) A completed online application 填妥的網上申請表;
2) Passport photograph of the child 申請人證件相片;
3) Child’s Birth Certificate and/or Passport (with valid HK visa, for non-local family) 申請人的出生證明書及/或護照(非本地居民必須持有有效香港簽證);
4) Parents’ and/or guardians’ HKIDs and/or Passports (with HK visa, for non-local family) 申請人的家長及/或監護人的身份證及/或護照(非本地居民必須持有有效香港簽證);
5) Application Fee 報名費 $40

Please select the campus 選擇校園

Applying for academic year 請選擇報讀學年

Grade Level Selection 選擇班別

Program Session Selection 選擇班別時段

* $600/month material fee will be charged at the start of each school terms, i.e. 5 months and 6 months in Term 1 & Term 2 respectively. 每個學期初將會收取每月$600材料及活動費 (首個學期收取5個月,及第二個學期收取6個月)

Student Information 學生資料

*only 1 photo in file size of max. 10MB 僅限相片一張,文件大小不多於10MB

Identity Info 證件資料 - HK Birth Certificate 香港出生證明書

*only 1 page in file size of max. 10MB 僅限文件1頁,大小不多於10MB

Identity Info 證件資料 - Passport 護照 (with valid HK visa, for non-local family 非本地居民必須持有有效香港簽證)

*max. 3 pages in file size of max. 15MB 僅限證件文案3頁,大小不多於15MB

Home Address 住址

Language background of child 語言背景資料

Parents / Guardians Information 家長/監護人資料

Father 父親 / Guardian 監護人 1

*max. 3 pages in file size of max. 15MB 僅限3頁文檔,大小不多於15MB

Mother 母親 / Guardian 監護人 2

*max. 3 pages in file size of max. 15MB 僅限3頁文檔,大小不多於15MB

Payment Method 付款方式

Application Fee $40. 申請入學必須繳納報名費$40

* only 1 page in file size of max. 10MB 僅限一頁文檔,大小不多於10MB

Kendall International Preschool and Nursery 漢迪國際幼稚園暨幼兒園

Cheung Sha Wan Campus: G/F., RESIDENCE 228, 228 Fuk Wing Street, Cheung Sha Wan, West Kowloon, Hong Kong


Submission Information 提交表格

Thank you for your submission. We will contact you upon receipt of the complete application. 多謝您提交的入學申請。當收妥完整的入學資料,我們會與您聯繫。